The features of Teacher's Markbook are :
Grade students
Scale scores
Print graphs of student progress
Prepare for your reports
Use it as an electronic gradebook
During the research of this project Mr Cavil came across a disadvantage of using a Teachers Markbook. That all classes have different range of studnets and different range of classes. So therefore there should be an option which will allow them to choose how people in a class and how many classes. i.e. some sort of button.
There is a very detail summary that i found out during IPT of the use of a Teachers Markbook. It includes advantages and disadvantages, also the way it would help other people other than the teachers in understanding the results. Click on this
link to see.
The third task that is to be completed is a Requirement Report of this project.A
requirment report is "a document that is produced in the early stages of a project that seeks to clarify the purpose of the system. This
purpose is usually detailed in terms of what the users/participants
needs are. The
data inputs should be clearly identified. The
information processes performed on the data need to be documented. Finally, the
information outputs from the systems need to be detailed. The requirements report provides documentary
evidence of the scope of the project. "
The purpose of a Teachers Markbook is to assist teachers who are the users of this system in assessing students which in turn provides a quality reporting to parents (paritcipants). The markbook asissts teachers needs to easily record results. This wil help teachers be more organised in their tasks.
By producing a efficient information system (Markbook) Teachers will favour it as it will be less time consuming to record results on an electronic based system. But there are disadvantages in a Teacher's Markbook. Since it will not be made as thoughtful in a few days Teachers might have difficulty with the loss of data and the misplacement of the Markbook. Also what if a datd corruption occurs in the Markbook.
This Teachers Markbok that i am creating wont be an actual project as it will only have a small amount of information to be used as a templete for the teacher to see if this possibly could be used as a markbook. It wont be a large assignment.
Information processes (COAST PD) involved in this Markbook system are:
collecting: collecting the assessment marks and the research of what teachers would have wanted in their markbook.
Organising: Organising the students (class) marks in the template sheet to let the teachers see the way it will be presented.
Analysing: I am not sure if anaylsing is a information process which is done. But when the teachers may want to edit the grade key for thier class, this is sort of analysing the class marks for themselves to see.
Storing and Retrieving: The teacher will have to store the assessment marks and later on during the other assessement tasks retrieve this markbook to fill in more marks. Also work out the gardes, averages and more.
Displaying: The markbook will be displayed in a form that looks persentable and easy for the etacher to use.
Well that concludes my requirment report. Hopefully you understand it. I was really confused about what to include.